Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finally I feel like updating again. Actually I feel like updating everyday, its just... I dont know. Hahaha.
And then again, I dont feel like blogging about anything. Like, there's nothing to blog about ?! -.- I've lost every interest to blog now, and the only reason why I've not closed this blog down is because I dont want to delete what I have written here all the past few years. So how !

Zokay, I looked through all my photos & decided to post some uppp. Hahaha. I know I repeat some of the photos like there's no yesterday. But I want to pick out, the special moments in my life. They may not be significant to you, but they mean the world to me.

Not in any order:
Love wearing the loveeee.
I love slacking sessions like that. ;D
Crazy bitch ass moments !
NDP with the love.
This pretty boy !
The coupleeeee.
These three brothers are like the cutest things ever.

My love.
His work.
Part of the gang, look at Fiona's spastic face ! LOLOLOL.
Charlene Phua, best award for my caretaker. ;p
The f&n days. Lol, I know I look hideous. Shudddduppppp !
Camping camping, 7day walk ! ;DDD
Best reflecting moments, always with you.
Birthday boyyyyyyy.
First nightmare; not the company, but the lessons.
The joke of the entire semester ! LOLOLOLOLOL.
Monthsaries. (:
The all time favourite but most irritating brother, ever.
HuijieTeo ! Lolol.
I had to post this, if not I cannot sleeep. HAHAHAHHA.
A souvenir, a gift from the heart.
Younger times, better days as a person for us. The innocence.
Round face family ? HAHAHHAHA.
Go 4.4 ! ;DDDDDDDD
Random day, great fun. Zoooooooooooooo we're going to the zoo zoo zoo !
Grad night love.
Sexay outings, bbq those were the days.
Up till now, I still insist I wasnt drunk. I wasnt okay !
Candid by Nadieeee Mass dinnerrrrrrrrrrr.
Barbara, the floor mopper. Lol.
& how I missed those piggybacking days.
& running away from Joseph cause of our fbtssss. Lol.
Small company, great vibes.
The classic, sending out of class days ! ;p
I know I have fat cheeks & round face. I KNOWWWW !
Awwwww. Guess who baby ? ;p Laughs at Fiona. So damn cute pleaseee.
Toddlers, toddler's joy.

& the most classic oneeeeeeeee;

Barbara Lim ! LOLOLOLOLOL.


I wanna take this chance to thank all of you who have appeared in my life, & you made life easier and more fun filled for me. I heart all of you plenty many many. & of course, darling Lenis. I love you the most luh okay ! ;p