Thursday, November 13, 2008

Daddy's & momo's birthday passed by, soon its gonna be my turn.

It scares me how fast time goes. I see my parents aging, my dad becoming forgetful, my mum needing to wear glasses, I stopped and thought. What if one day they are just no longer there anymore ? It scares me to think that one day I am going to lose them.

Honestly, imma already 18. Daddy's 47, momo's 43. I know they are still younger than the average parents, but then again, life being so unpredictable by nature, who knows? I might be gone just like that tmr.

It took them so much to bring me & my brother up, I still want to earn money to support them, so that they can finally sit back and enjoy life, not slogging their life away to support us, to be worrying about us. 18years is enough, what's left should be kept for themselves.

So much good in life, so little time to enjoy it. I dont want them to be gone so soon.