Valentine's was pretty like the usual days, but still sweet. (: After being with each other for some time, I guess we kinda figured handmade gifts are still the best we could ask for because of the time and care devoted into making that something, rather than just using money to pick a gift out of the shopping mall. I love the card you made, & dinner with you at Crystal Jade was pretty cool too, minus the fact that we did not get to eat our Peking Duck. Hahaha.
I still remember things so clearly cause I've got a diary nowww! (: Oh, & I cut bangs. Yes, dont question cause it was a "wake up in the morning okay I decide to cut bangs today" thing which up till now, I still totally regret.
During this period of time, Baby's dad had went to America for like environmental check, and is back. Baby & I bought him a fountain pen and a card. He's going back there during March and wouldnt be back till two years later. God, if Lenis were to be gone with him like how it was originally planned, I seriously wouldnt know what I'll be like now.
Went out with his family today for dinner today. Some misunderstandings happened between me and Baby but its all good now. (: He is such a darling, and thankyou for trusting me. I know, this entry is so bf/gf-ish but I kinda like it. Sue me!
Okayyyyy. Anyhow, I was looking through sac days memories, and I found Huijieteo's postcard that I drew and refused to return. HAHAHAA, so I met her yesterday to catch up for abit & prata! Lolol, I just had it not long ago when I was there with Sarah to trim our brows. Talked about everyone in school via the yearbook. Lololol. More importantly, I told her about Feebie's classic sleeping posture during guides camp! HAHAHAAA. I never get tired telling everyone about that.
I found Nadie's Mickey/ Minnie Mouse pencil and her square watch also. I should really mail it back to her as a surprise! Hahaha. Okay, its super long an entry. Botanics with the girls on Friday! On shopping with Queen Wendy aka Mummy tmr, hopefully.
But anywayy, I'll just post some pictures that happened before school ended cause they are long overdue! I;ll blog about the rest another day. (:
I want supperrrrrrr!