Grabbed directly from fiona's blog- the starting out people. Lololol.
I am damn lazy to bloggg, I know imma always lazy luh okkkk, but thats beside the point.
Met Baby today after a million years. Watched Star Trek, pretty good but not fantastic actually. Ayeeeee, I am damn sad. I think I've got some kind of eating disorder. I vomit everything I ate today. & when there's nothing left, I still can vomit water. Wtffffffff. Kill meeee.
Keep meeting Fiona these days, she's damn funny. She havent done the sand sand thing before! Super no childhood. Lolololol. The Mexico joke was damn fun onlyyyyy. HAHAHAA. Must read her blog to understand.
Omggg, I keep embarrassing myself these days. Just yesterday in school, I hit my head against the glass panel. I rock I know thanks.
I need to stop skipping school again. Okaythanksbye.